My Kind of Winter...

The weather in north India is unpredictable more and more every year.  In our area we really and truly have every season here.  And the last few weeks have been the perfect example of my kind of winter...

Though we don't have snow but few weeks ago it actually go very cold. The whole city shuts down and we are basically forced to stay home with a cup of hot chocolate! The quilts and heating gives that cozy feeling that only winter can brings.  We tasted winter two weeks back to back!  

WINTERS don't last long... within 2 weeks of chilling, the temperature again rise.. and seems spring time is on the way! I was out looking at flower beds, they are already starting to grow! The trees have buds on them! Winter doesn't belong here anymore... we get winter, we enjoy it, then spring shows up! What an amazing place :)



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